The Pediatric Therapy Center

Pediatric Occupational Therapy


What is Occupational Therapy?

Pediatric Occupational Therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on helping children develop the necessary physical, sensory, and cognitive skills to perform daily tasks more independently. The goal of The Pediatric Therapy Center is to help children achieve their maximum potential by improving their fine motor skills, sensory processing, visual perception, hand-eye coordination, and self-care abilities. The Pediatric Therapy Center works with children who have various conditions such as developmental delays, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, and other genetic or neurological disorders. They help children perform everyday activities such as dressing, eating, writing, playing, and socializing.



Our evaluation process entails assessing your child's sensory, motor skills, coordination, and coping skills to identify the presence of any developmental deficits. This process includes:

  • Conducting a comprehensive parent interview
  • Reviewing medical and developmental history
  • Utilizing informal assessment measures
  • Administering formal standardized tests
  • Providing therapy recommendations

Upon completion of the evaluation, we will share our preliminary impressions and engage in a discussion regarding your child's strengths and areas for improvement. Eligibility for services will be determined based on current insurance guidelines , and we will collaborate to develop a customized plan aimed at helping your child achieve their goals.


Design and execute a comprehensive treatment plan, which involves mutually establishing goals with caregivers, to target identified areas of need, enhance skill retention, and foster engagement in daily occupations. This is achieved through the skilled application of therapeutic occupations, activities, tasks, as well as education and training imparted by a qualified occupational therapists. Throughout this phase, close monitoring of the child's progress and intervention response is conducted, with necessary adjustments made to the plan, goals, and intervention strategies.

Our occupational therapists focus on the areas of:

  • Daily living skills
  • Feeding
  • Socialization & play skills
  • Fine motor skills
  • Sensory integration skills
  • Self care

Signs That Your Child May Need A OT Evaluation

Your child could benefit from an assessment in occupational therapy if they exhibit any of the subsequent difficulties:

  • Diminished fine motor skills
  • Diminished visual motor skills
  • Motor planning concerns
  • Variances in sensory processing
  • Challenges with emotional regulation
  • Attention difficulties
  • Handwriting concerns
  • Decreased executive functioning abilities
  • Lack of coordination

Get Started Today


Occupational therapy services are available in our Albertville, AL clinic.

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